Insights and InspirationBlog

The Creative Director: From Mad Men to AI Madness

The Creative Director: From Mad Men to AI Madness

I started in advertising at the tail end of the Mad Men era—where creatives had the luxury of time, attention, and full-length TV commercials. Fast forward a few decades, and we’re now navigating an industry where attention spans are shorter than a goldfish’s memory, and ideas must fit within a 10-word post.

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Time to take care of ourselves

Time to take care of ourselves

For almost 3 decades we have been servicing our clients with the highest standards, and, usual in this industry, our internal brand work was always left aside to focus on our work for them.

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The Creative Director: From Mad Men to AI Madness

The Creative Director: From Mad Men to AI Madness

I started in advertising at the tail end of the Mad Men era—where creatives had the luxury of time, attention, and full-length TV commercials. Fast forward a few decades, and we’re now navigating an industry where attention spans are shorter than a goldfish’s memory, and ideas must fit within a 10-word post.

Time to take care of ourselves

Time to take care of ourselves

For almost 3 decades we have been servicing our clients with the highest standards, and, usual in this industry, our internal brand work was always left aside to focus on our work for them.